Inside Pennsylvania Family's Chilling Suicide Pact

The Daub family's bodies were arranged in a straight line across the backyard of their York County home when police arrived at the scene on Wednesday, Jan. 25, they said.

Morgan Daub as seen on her YouTube channel, LionessArising.

Morgan Daub as seen on her YouTube channel, LionessArising.

Photo Credit: LionessArising (YouTube)/Morgan Daub

Notes inside of their Loman Avenue home in West Manchester Township detailed exactly how Morgan, 26, and her parents, James, 62, and Deborah, 59, planned on dying, police said in a statement emailed to Daily Voice.

And the chilling scene reflected just those, police said: Deborah killed James, Morgan killed Deborah, and then Morgan — who according to PennLive died holding a sword that read "Sword of the Lord — then killed herself, police said.

"The coroner’s office determined that autopsies would not be performed as the manner of death appeared to be consistent with the already available evidence," local police said.


Two months ago, Morgan identified herself in an 8-minute and 17-second YouTube video — spoken nearly entirely in a British accent — in which she "abdicates the throne of England."

Under the username LionessArising, Daub says: "I am royalty in Jesus. I am a royal priesthood. And when they F—ed with the wrong family they really F—ed with the wrong family.

"I am not anti-Christ and I am not the Christ. Now I am not false prophet, but I am a prophet of the most high God. And I'm Ready to roar for him"

The video was captioned: "This is a public record of my abdicating the throne and cannot and will not be retracted by me.

"I was not in any way coerced into abdicating. I am of sound mind and body, and I have chosen this of my own free will. Also, I fully intend to sign official documents at the earliest convenience.

"For anyone who doesn't know me and randomly finds this video, it is quite the long story of how I would be next in line for the throne. All will be told in due time. The LORD bless you from Zion!"

Little else was known about Morgan. Only that, according to a photo posted by Suburban Bowlerama in 2017, she appeared to enjoy bowling. 

According to a report by York Dispatch, authorities found notes in the trash saying Morgan told her mom that she had been having "auditory hallucinations which were not getting any better."

A letter believed to have been written by Deborah says, "Morgan chose the date! I believe I have to be with her!" 

The third and final YouTube video that Morgan ever posted was on Jan. 24 — the day she and her family died. It is a six-second clip of the words "Follow me as I follow Christ."

** WARNING: The information may be graphic and disturbing to some. **

Morgan Daub's body was closest to the porch, West Manchester police said. She was laying on her back with her head close to the porch and was wearing a black pistol holster on her right hip, and earmuff-style ear protection, police said.

The holster was empty, and two shell casings were found near her body. Morgan had a self-inflicted gunshot wound in her head, police said. 

Next to Morgan, laying face up, was her mom, Deborah, who police say had been shot in the head by Morgan. The final victim, laying on his stomach, was James, his head pointed to the south. He had apparently been shot by his wife, say police, citing a series of notes found inside the family's Loman Avenue home. 

Police found various letters penned by family members. One dated Jan. 19, 2023, and signed by Deborah Daub spoke of "evil that has mounted against Morgan and the family," noting a joint decision to end their lives.

The rest of the letter seemed to have been directed toward God and her husband, and read as if James was expected to survive.

A note left behind by Morgan included an extensive list or checklist apparently containing preparatory steps before ending her own life. Those steps included speaking to her dad, clipping the dog's nails and letters to family.

A written and undated document from James opens by saying he was crushed when Morgan told "us" that she must end her life. The letter indicates that that he was aware that both Morgan and Deborah "can't go on and wish to end their lives," police said. 

James in the beginning of the letter noted he was not ready to end his life, but by the end, had apparently decided to do so as well.

Another letter signed by James said he took his life "of his own free will," and said his wife pulled the trigger for him, as he was shaky. Another letter from Deborah said she too took her life by her free will, and Morgan pulled the trigger for her, as she, too, was shaky. Those notes were dated Jan. 24, 2023.

The signatures on all notes matched those on copies of living and last wills, which contained the disposition of the family dog.

And so, based on the letters and the crime scene, police concluded that Deborah had shot James in the back of the head, Morgan shot her mom in the back of the head, and then herself in the head.

"The positioning of the bodies, pistols, and shell casings, as well as the presence of the hearing protection, support the account put forward by the written documents left behind by the family," West Manchester Township police said in a statement.

"That account being that all three family members decided to end their lives on 1/24/2023."

A neighbor called police sometime the following day, saying he'd heard three gunshots sometime just before midnight, authorities said. He said that the first two gunshots were muffled, and the last gunshot could be heard much more clearly. He also said there was only a short amount of time between each shot, approximately 10-15 seconds, according to police.

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